Madison Academy junior wins People’s Choice on Christmas Card Lane
“My Christmas” by Nadiya Smyrnova won first place in People’s Choice voting for Christmas Card Lane. (CONTRIBUTED)
In second place, “Merry Madison” was created by Discovery students Ange Long, Katie Pruden and Grace Palenapa. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Madison Arts Council (MAC) has announced the results of People’s Choice voting for favorite displays on Christmas Card Lane.
“My Christmas” by Nadiya Smyrnova won $500 for first place. “Merry Madison” by Ange Long, Katie Pruden and Grace Palenapa took second place with $250.
In third place, a tie resulted for “Christmas Carolers” by Sandy Sparks and “Wise Men Still Seek Him” by Misty Merschat, who will split $150.
“On behalf of Madison Arts Council, thank you for making Christmas Card Lane a success,” 2014 MAC President Shrail Heinrich said. “Community feedback has been wonderful. This outdoor exhibit could not have happened without each (artist) generously sharing time and talents.”
Smyrnova, a native of Ukraine, currently is a junior at Madison Academy. “Not only does art add beauty to the world, but it also makes people think and reconsider their opinions on many different factors of their lives,” Smyrnova said.
Long, Pruden and Palenapa are eighth-graders at Discovery Middle School and art students of Raquel Spiegel. “The students’ design is very whimsical and the expression of the artwork is in the style of Grandma Moses,” Spiegel said.
“The girls worked very well together to become a winning team and best of all had creative fun creating fun memories,” Spiegel said. “The painting speaks for itself as it represents some of Madison’s important landmarks,” including both high schools, the Saturn V rocket and churches.
Merschat said art encourages “students of all ages to think more creatively and critically.” She volunteers with theatre productions at Columbia Elementary School and James Clemens High School.
Moving to Madison in 2011, Sparks was first introduced to the local art scene at the former 16 Main art community on Main Street in Madison. She is an active member of The Painted Bra Project.
“Based on the media coverage on (numerous) local ‘Top Five’ lists, Christmas Card Lane was a hit with the whole county,” Heinrich said.
For more information about MAC, visit