Smith announces candidacy for District 2 Council seat
Political newcomer Steve Smith has announced his candidacy for the District 2 seat with Madison City Council.
“I may be new to the political arena, but I am not new to the City of Madison,” Smith said. “With several individuals not returning to office, we need to replace them with strong leaders who are cognizant of our city’s past and aware of the many opportunities that lay ahead.”
Smith believes he possesses the appropriate skills and mindset to help in leading the city forward.
Smith, 44, is a local business owner. He and wife Mickie, who works in management at Adtran Inc., have lived in Madison for 18 years. Their sons are Spencer, 17, a junior at Bob Jones High School, and Chandler, 15, a freshman at Liberty Middle School.
“We have really enjoyed living and raising our family in Madison,” Smith said. “Although Madison has people move in from all over, we all have something in common and that is to raise our children in a safe environment and be able to provide our kids with a strong educational foundation.”
A priority for Smith will be his support for Madison City Schools, along with the fire and police departments. “Since our schools’ budget is dependent on sales taxes, it is vital that we address economic development, not only in District 2, but in all of Madison,” he said.
Smith believes that his 20 years of managerial experience have prepared him for stepping into politics. “Being held accountable for decisions each day forces you to make better decisions,” he said. He pledges commitment to accountability for his decisions while in office and “to find ways that Madison city government can continue to be more transparent and open to all citizens.”
For 12 years, Smith has been active in various athletic leagues and civic organizations. He is a three-term member of the Madison Recreational Advisory Board and a recent finalist for the Madison Board of Education. The Smiths attend Asbury United Methodist Church.
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Election day will be Aug. 28. Council members serve a four-year term.