Global Ties Alabama supports ‘Hidden Figures’ for women in STEM
MADISON COUNTY – Global Ties Alabama is promoting women who are leaders in fields for STEM or Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Women in international STEM fields attended the third annual “Hidden Figures: Hidden No More International Visitor Leadership” program. The U.S. Department of State contributes supports Hidden Figures.
Eight international women in STEM visited Alabama for Hidden Figures, with Global Ties Alabama as host. Another 42 women visited other American cities.
Screenings of the award-winning film, “Hidden Figures,” at more than 120 U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide inspired the exchange program. Established in 2017, the conferences highlight and develop important contributions of women and girls in STEM.
“Participants and alumni are ‘hidden talent’ in their home countries who explore and advance policies that champion the interests of women in STEM,” Global Ties Alabama CEO Jacquelyn Shipe said.
Starting in Washington D.C., Hidden Figures included meetings with private and public sector organizations like National Geographic and Smithsonian Institution. Participants divided into groups, and eight delegates traveled to Alabama.
The women in STEM cultivated relationships with their U.S. counterparts, discussed strategies that advance women’s achievement in STEM and examined women’s contributions to STEM fields.
In Alabama, the group toured NASA, U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Hudson Alpha Institute of Biotechnology and Alabama Robotics Park. They participated in a community roundtable with women leaders in Huntsville and Madison County. The group had interactive visits with FIRST Robotics team at Mae Jemison High School and the leadership team of Drake State Technical Community College.
Established in Huntsville in 1965, Global Ties Alabama helped international military trainees at Redstone Arsenal to acclimate to the community. Global Ties was designated as a host organization for international visitors traveling to Alabama under the auspices of the International Visitor Leadership Program with the U. S. Department of State.
Projects for Global Ties Alabama include science and technology, entrepreneurship and economic development, interfaith dialogue, countering extremism, healthcare, journalism, democratic government, youth leadership, agriculture, cybersecurity and foreign policy.
For more information about Global Ties Alabama, call 256-532-3560, email or visit
For more information about Hidden No More, email the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at or visit Facebook and Twitter #HiddenNoMore.