Rainbow homemakers to host suicide prevention workshop
MADISON – The Rainbow Mountain Homemakers will host “QPR – Suicide Prevention Workshop,” presented by Crisis Services of North Alabama at Madison City Hall.
“QPR” abbreviates “questions, persuade and refer.” The session on Nov. 18 in Council Chambers will run from 7 to around 8:30 p.m.
“Our club decided to host this opportunity as our club’s focus is education and community outreach,” Rainbow Homemakers spokesperson Mary Millhouse said. “I think we’ve all been touched by suicide either in our communities or families, so, when we heard about this opportunity through the crisis center, we wanted to help publicize a workshop.”
Jessica Kalathas, who works as suicide prevention coordinator with Crisis Services, will facilitate the session. Kalathas has been involved with this work for 1.5 years. She speaks to sophomore health classes in local schools and also meets with civic groups and non-profit organizations.
The session will train participants about the warning signs for suicide and the three-step QPR method.
Crisis Services describes suicide as a national and local health problem, with common myths and facts surrounding suicidal behavior. Kalathas urges the public to learn to ask about potential suicidal intent and to listen and persuade troubled friends and relatives to seek help.
In addition, the training will cover how to make a professional assistance referral. QPR is an “evidenced-based program that continually undergoes formal evaluation in multiple research sites,” Kalathas said.
“Holiday time seems to be an especially difficult time for some,” Millhouse said. “We wanted to schedule this before the holiday season.”
The session is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. The Rainbow Mountain Homemakers will serve refreshments after the event.
For more information, call Crisis Services of North Alabama at 256-716-4052, email to jkalathas@csna.org or visit csna.org.