Madison City PTA promotes Reflections contest
MADISON – Madison City PTA opened Reflections, the annual contest for the fine arts, on Sept. 10.
Local PTA members in Madison join fellow parents or other members of PTA groups across the United States in encouraging students of all ages and abilities to create art in various mediums.
Reflections allows students to express themselves through a theme-based art. A student can enter in one or multiple categories for these subjects: dance, film production, literature, musical composition, photography or visual arts.
The theme for the 2017-2018 school year is “Within Reach.” Local faculties and PTA leaders recognize students each year for their artistic ingenuity to bring the theme to life in a way that is personal and meaningful.
“Reflections is an annual arts-based program that was created by the National PTA in 1969. It is a wonderful program that is open to all students at all grades and abilities Madison students,” Janet Little said. Little serves as Reflections chairperson for Madison City PTA.
Reflections has become the most successful arts program in the nation, engaging over 300,000 students and their families in the arts education each year, Little said.
To prepare for the contest, students will have more than a month to create an original art presentation, document or artwork piece that represents this year’s theme. “They may submit works of art in more than one category, as well as multiple works of art in a single category,” Little said.
October 30 is the deadline for a student to submit artwork to his or her respective school.
Volunteers judge work submitted by students by division and based on five grade levels:
* Primary — Preschool through second grade.
* Intermediate — Third, fourth and fifth grades.
* Middle — Sixth, seventh and eighth grades.
* High School –Ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades.
* Special Artist Division — For students that meet guidelines set forth in the Americans Disabilities.
For more details on the Madison City PTA Reflections Program, contact the Reflections chairperson on each campus of Madison City Schools. For a copy of all rules and guidelines of the Reflections program, visit