‘Newsweek’ rates Bob Jones among top schools
MADISON – “Newsweek” has named Bob Jones High School to “America’s Top High Schools 2016.”
The “Newsweek” High School Rankings evaluate schools using on a diverse set of factors to decide the institutions that are performing at highly efficient levels in preparing a student for college.
“Newsweek” collaborated with Westat to produce the 2016 “Newsweek High School Rankings.” With headquarters in Rockville, Md., Westat is one of the nation’s leading research firms.
These companies use the Common Core of Data as a first sample of high schools and only include operational, regular high schools with at least one student and data on the number of students eligible for free- or reduced-price lunch. In addition, graduation rate and college enrollment are two major factors.
For more information, visit newsweek.com and click the link for America’s top high schools.