Trio adds playground feature for Girl Scouts Bronze Award
MADISON – Kay Langiewicz and Sarah Rydbom, fifth-graders at Rainbow Elementary School, showed their campus commitment in selecting a service project for the Bronze Award in Girls Scouts.
For the qualifying project, the girls decided to create a hopscotch area at Rainbow. “Our theme was ‘space,’ because we’re the Rainbow Rockets. We took our time and painted the planets on the pavers,” Kay said. “We needed 10 pavers (and our parents … those pavers were heavy), primer, craft paints, brushes and sealer (which was so smelly).”
They installed the hopscotch pad in Rainbow’s pre-kindergarten playground “for the youngest of our classmates,” Kay said. “They will learn so many things, including their numbers, planets in correct order and how to take and play with others.” The area is “a fun place for people to play,” Sarah said. Lilly Lungrin also helped with the project.
Kay’s interest in Girl Scouts grew when she was in first grade and her friend talked about all the fun activities that she was doing. “I knew I wanted to be a part of it,” Kay said.
Kay’s family often goes camping so she was prepared the outdoor aspect. “But Girls Scouts is more than that. I’ve learned computer programming and cybersecurity safety; how to be a friend; and mentoring younger Scouts, which helped me even at home,” Kay said. Her younger sister is now a Brownie.
Kay’s favorite ventures have been building a race car and learning first aid.
“I’ve learned Scouts are environmentalists and good at many different things. They have fun projects and teach us important skills,” Sarah said.
Achieving the Bronze Award interested Kay because she has “really learned to enjoy giving back and helping others through Girl Scouts. I wanted to be a part of something that others, including my sisters, would see and use. (My sisters) would know that their big sister helped do something bigger and maybe pushed to do the same thing when they get older.”
Kay’s motivation centered with her mother and sister. “My mom helps lead the Brownies. My sister wanted to watch every bit of my work. They gave me the little push I needed,” Kay said.
Kay has been a straight-A student since third grade when she started receiving letter grades. She is enrolled in advanced math and the gifted program, was named “Student of the Month;” and has earned math and reading awards. “I hope to continue my straight-A streak into middle school,” she said.
Kay’s parents are Jason and Danielle Langiewicz. Sarah’s parents are William and Cheryl Rydbom.