Garden club presents prayers for peace
MADISON – To usher in the Christmas season, Madison Garden Club presented its annual gathering, “Every Light a Prayer for Peace,” on Dec. 4 at City Hall.
Throughout December, Garden Clubs of Alabama will light up Christmas trees, according to Madison president Brenda Willis. Each glowing light on each tree represents a prayer for peace.
The first state observance was held in August 1951 in Selma. Thirty-five years ago, Madison Garden Club initiated its annual ceremony in 1981 for “Every Light a Prayer for Peace.” Part of the event involved club members decorating and illuminating a Christmas tree in City Hall for employees and residents to enjoy.
At this year’s event, Willis welcomed the guests in Council Chambers. Club member Diane Cline gave a devotional. President Tommy Overcash represented Madison City Council at the event.
For entertainment, the Fifth- and Sixth-Grade Honor Chorus from the Madison City Schools district performed Christmas carols and holiday tunes. Honor Chorus Directors are Audra Loftin, Kristina Newsome and Traci Stewart. Timothy Berry accompanied the vocalists on keyboard.
“As part of our annual program, we sponsor an essay contact for Madison’s fifth-graders on the topic, ‘What Peace on Earth Means to Me,” Willis said. “The first-, second- and third-place winners from Madison elementary schools read their essays and received a certificate and monetary award.”
Carter Gjesvold from Columbia Elementary School wrote the first-place essay.
Writers in second place were Jake Ingraham, Columbia; Kamryn Hailey, West Madison Elementary School; and Savannah Gaertner, West Madison. In third place, the aspiring writers were Anna Redmill, Columbia; Jadon Purlee, West Madison; and Samia Parvez, Columbia.
Overcash had the honor of lighting the club’s Christmas tree in the lobby of City Hall. The evening ended with refreshments for guests.
For more information about Madison Garden Club, call 256-721-3603.