Shafer earns Eagle Scout status with YMCA project
MADISON – Spencer Shafer helped Hogan Family YMCA in his service project to earn Scouting’s highest award, the Eagle Scout rank.
Shafer is a 2014 graduate of James Clemens High School.
Shafer’s parents encouraged him to pursue the award and set a good example for his brothers. They offered another incentive: “If I got (the Eagle rank), I could get my driver’s license,” he said.
Shafer built benches for team sports at Hogan Family YMCA. Soccer players “didn’t have anywhere to sit except with parents. This made things kind of confusing for the coaches,” he said.
With Shafer’s added equipment, players can sit as a team. “I found some designs online. With some modifications and help from my leaders, I made very solid, hopefully very useful, benches,” he said.
He precut wood and then assembled the benches in assembly line fashion. His four-member crew each was equipped with screws, a circular saw and drills.
“The public has said they love the benches,” Shafer said. “When soccer was over, they took the benches inside for use in the gym for basketball season.”
Shafer will long remember attending the 2010 national jamboree on Scouting’s 100th anniversary. Camping with friends and leaders was memorable, especially when a bear visited up close.
Nick Web leads Troop 7676. Shafer thanked Reed Carpenter, the Walker family, Mike Thorum and his family for project help.
At James Clemens, Shafer participated in theater. “I like music and have taught myself the guitar,” he said.
Shafer was born in Provo, Utah but grew up in Madison. He attended J.E. Williams and Madison elementary school, Liberty middle school for one semester and home school several years. He enrolled at James Clemens as a junior.
His parents are Jared and Diana Shafer. He works as a chemical engineer at JENOPTIK. Spencer’s siblings are Isaac, 16, a James Clemens sophomore; Amy, 13; Grant, 11; Zach, 9; Sam, 6 and Max, 2. Diana home-schools the younger children.
The Shafers are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.