Holloway likes Upward football
MADISON – Football is the game for Desmond Holloway, and he plays in the Upward Flag Football league of First Baptist Church of Madison.
Desmond plays on the Saints team. He gets a chance to play in all the game positions, because the Upward league gives everyone a chance to play equally.
“Playing flag football is so much fun,” he said. Desmond and his family also like to watch televised football contests.
Desmond, who is seven years old, attends Heritage Elementary School and just finished second grade. He has one sister, six-year-old Penelope, who is a prospective second-grader at Heritage.
This brother and sister both enjoy Awana at The Grove Baptist Church. They have been proud to earn their extra credit pins.
Having reached the rank of Bear, Desmond is starting his third year of Cub Scouts. He is fascinated with Star Wars saga and loves to play video games.
Desomond’s parents are Coby and Rachel Holloway. Coby works as vice president of Cloud Computing and Business Transformation Services at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Rachel works as a substitute teacher at Heritage.
Q & A
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Goldfish crackers (you read correctly).
Q: What restaurants do you like?
A: The entire family likes to eat at Las Trojas.
Q: What is your favorite sports team?
A: The Holloways root for the New Orleans Saints and Alabama Crimson Tide.
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: Play video games.
Q: What are your plans for this summer?
A: “We plan to swim a lot, go to Vacation Bible School and take a trip to the beach. We also can’t wait to go to Slidell, La. to visit our grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles,” Desmond said.