Learn the game in MCCL’S beginning chess classes
MADISON – If you have always wanted to learn to play but were a bit intimidated, you now can understand the rules and strategy of the game by signing up for free classes in beginning chess.
Madison City Chess League or MCCL will open chess classes in online format on Jan. 12, MCCL Executive Director Ranae Bartlett said.
The classes, which are free to MCCL members, will convene on Tuesdays from 3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
In past years, Madison City Chess League has offered many opportunities for kids to learn to play chess. “These opportunities have occurred during ‘Learn to Play Chess Nights’ hosted at various schools, during the Madison Street Festival or during after-school chess club meetings,” Bartlett said.
“With the onset of the pandemic, many chess activities have moved online. For the first time, beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 12, MCCL will host online ‘Beginning Chess Lessons’ for MCCL members who want to learn basic chess skills,” Bartlett said.
Constance Wang will teach this class using ChessKid.com curriculum and Zoom. Wang is a member of the Bob Jones High School Chess Team and is the 2020 All-Girls State Champion.
“It is assumed that those who register will know how the pieces move,” Bartlett said. “If your child does not know how the pieces move, it is recommended that you sign up for a free ChessKid.com account so your child can be introduced to the basic concepts of piece movement with ‘Lessons at the Pawn Level’ before signing up for the class.”
To register for the free classes, the individual must be a current MCCL member. If the student is not a MCCL member, visit madisonchess.com/join to join. Classes will be conducted during the spring semester at least through April. “As long as there is interest,” Bartlett said.
After registering, a student will receive a Zoom Link on Tuesdays. “We will use the same link each week, so you only have to register once for the class,” Bartlett said.
To register for the class, visit madisonchess.com. Click “Events,” and then select “Upcoming Events.” Scroll down, and select the link for “MCCL Beginner Chess Class.” On the displayed form, complete the required boxes on the form.