Monrovia, Discovery, Liberty tops in state Scholars Bowl
MADISON COUNTY – For the first time, a school system in Madison County has claimed Scholars Bowl’s state title.
The Scholars Bowl team at Monrovia Middle School earned first place in the 2018 state championships for Alabama Scholastic Competition Association. Hoover High School hosted 30 teams for the tournament on Feb. 24.
Following closely after Monrovia, Discovery Middle School’s Scholars Bowl team earned second place, and Liberty Middle School’s team ranked third in the state championship.
Students selected for the All Stars Team for middle school were Eshan Pokhrel from Monrovia; Rett Krome, Discovery; and Avani Singireddy, Liberty.
Two Monrovia teams compete regularly at tournaments. Team A played at state finals, played nine games and lost none. Team members are Eshan Pokhrel, Captain Caleb Ethridge, Rebecca Jensen and Andrew Goetz. Pokhrel won ninth place individually in the tournament.
Gene Cox, Monrovia Scholars Bowl coach, anticipated the team to do well in state finals but was pleasantly surprised at the tournament’s outcome. “This marks the first time that a Madison County school system school has claimed a Scholars Bowl state title,” Cox said. Brad Hulman also serves as team coach.
“As of Feb. 4, the International Academic Competitions for Middle School & Elementary had listed Monrovia Middle School as 38th in the nation for being a top middle school for all-subject quiz bowl teams in the United States,” Cox said. “Depending on the time of year, 25 to 200 teams may be ranked.”
As of Jan. 29, Monrovia was the only Alabama team on the International Academic Competitions’ list of 50 teams.
Monrovia Middle Scholars Bowl team is preparing to attend the national finals in Chicago, Ill. on May 10-14. The students currently are raising funds for their trip to Chicago.