Mayor declares March 30 as Women-Owned Business Day
MADISON – March is Women’s History Month, and in commemoration, Madison Mayor Paul Finley signed a proclamation at last week’s Madison City Council designating March 30 as Women- Owned Business Day in the city of Madison.
The proclamation recognizes the role of women in the national and local workforce. The state of Alabama ranks 15th in the country for women- owned businesses with an estimated 153,000 women-owned businesses producing $19 billion in sales. As of 2012, the city of Madison has nearly 1,400 women-owned businesses.
Finley presented the proclamation to Vice President of the Huntsville- Madison Chamber of Commerce Ashley Engels-Ross and representatives of the local business community.
“I want to thank Mayor Finley and the council for this proclamation for women-owned business day,” said Madison resident and Managing Director of New Beginnings Family Law Amber Jones. “You may not know that 40% of small businesses are generally owned by women and so, we’re just very thankful for the city’s recognition of this accomplishment for women and for our women’s business council.”
The number of women- owned businesses and the role of women in the workforce is growing. Alabama has seen a 42% growth rate of women- owned businesses, and at the national level, the United States saw a 21% growth rate between 2014 and 2019.