Patriot Players seize state win to represent Alabama in Baltimore
At the 2024 Walter Trumbauer State Drama Festival, Bob Jones Patriot Players qualified to represent Alabama at the Southeast Theatre Conference or SETC in Baltimore, Md. Other honors included Bob Jones actors named to the “All-Star Cast,” including (in random order) Cypress Bryce, Dylan Henrie, Maggie Lawley, Ryan Lawrence, Jaxon McClanathan, Sarah Pierce, Drayton Walker and Evan Willis.
MADISON – At the 2024 Walter Trumbauer State Drama Festival at the University of North Alabama, Bob Jones Patriot Players qualified to advance with its one-act play to the Southeastern Theatre Conference or SETC in Baltimore, Md. on March 17-23, 2025.
One of two Alabama schools to advance, Bob Jones will vie for SETC awards with “Stuck With You,” a one-act play written by Jesse Tilton, drama teacher and Technical Director.
A show with a state-level win “means every aspect of the show just clicked and resonated with professionals who adjudicated us. In a subjective field like the performing arts, both elements are important,” drama teacher and Director Mary Davis said.
“As I watched the cast perform, I knew it was the best they had ever performed in this play. Chemistry between characters was believable, comedic timing was great, costumes were just right, and lightning-fast costume changes were flawless,” Davis said. “Set transitions were seamless.”
Bob Jones also won awards for “Best in Show” as state champion in the drama festival; “Best Scenic Design” for the set and its components; and “Best Ensemble” for the cast’s interaction. Tyler Hatten earned the honor of “Best Supporting Actor.”
In addition, eight Bob Jones actors delivered exceptional acting and were acknowledged in the “All-Star Cast”: Cypress Bryce, Dylan Henrie, Maggie Lawley, Ryan Lawrence, Jaxon McClanathan, Sarah Pierce, Drayton Walker and Evan Willis.
“A ‘Best in Show’ play must be equally strong in what’s happening on and off stage,” Davis said. “We’re adjudicated on both acting and technical elements.” Bob Jones tech crew followed stringent rules:
• Only 30 minutes to unload the truck and assemble the set into a 10-foot square.
• 15 minutes to ‘spike’ the stage. Actors move set pieces to stage left or stage right wing.
• Exactly 45 minutes to bring the set onto the stage, perform and strike the set. Bob Jones performed the show in 44 minutes – one minute to spare.
For “Best Ensemble,” the students realized no one is a lead. “Each individual must meld with the whole,” Davis said.
For “Best Set Design,” Til- ton designed the look but student technicians applied their strengths for design and construction. One task was building ‘shables’ – tables that transform into shelves in less than five seconds.
Hatten, a senior, won with great comedic timing and emoting with his face, body and voice. “Tyler had the audience in stitches,” Davis said.
Bob Jones cast and crew’s many weeks of hard work were evident in technical aspects. Davis said lighting was near perfect. Students executed blocking flawlessly. Actors remembered lines. Vocalists sang beautifully. “It just clicked!” Davis said.
The performance thrilled Davis. “I told the kids afterward that, no matter what awards we did/didn’t win, as directors, Jessie Tilton and I couldn’t be happier with what the cast and crew just accomplished.”
In other competition, 18 entries from Bob Jones secured first- through third-place honors for Individual Events or IEs. Five of those students are enrolled in Beginning Drama, four in Intermediate Drama, one each in Advanced Drama and Technical Theatre and seven in Advanced Production. “I love that every class we teach is represented amongst the winners,” Davis said.
Students Jaxon McClanathan, Drayton Walker, Evan Willis and Ryan Lawrence formed a barbershop quartet who sang during the play. They and castmates Nicole New and Haley Clark composed their songs and wrote lyrics.
As Student Director, Thomas Sigler “was an exceptional student leader and truly helped to polish the actors’ performance,” Davis said.
“Stuck With You” is among Davis’ favorites during 20 years at Bob Jones. “It has been a joy to help bring the characters that J.T. wrote to life on our stage. The two of us make a really great team,” she said.