Upcoming tourney serves as tryout for chess teams
MADISON – With the start of a new school year, Madison City Chess League or MCCL is quickly preparing for a new and returning slate of players, new teams and new tournaments.
To participate in scheduled chess tournaments, students in middle and high school in MCS must try out for a chess team.
“Any student who missed spring tryouts and would like to try out for a middle or high school chess team in MCS must complete an application and compete in a tryout tournament on Saturday, Aug. 26. Deadline to complete the application is Saturday, Aug. 12,” MCCL President Ranae Bartlett said.
To access the application, visit MCCL’s newsletter at smore.com/dyeb2 and click the link in the first section.
Summer Knights Chess Tournament on Aug. 26 at 9 a.m. will serve as the tryout tournament for middle and high school chess teams. To try out for a chess team, the student will need to register for the Summer Knights tournament; registration fee is $25. Select the Non-Rated K-12 section for competing, unless the student is a U.S. Chess Federation- or USCF-rated player.
Students with experience and who are U.S. Chess-rated tournament players will register for one of the Rated sections, based on the student’s current USCF rating. To register, visit madisonchess.com. Click the “Events” menu, and then click “Upcoming Events.” Scroll down and select “2023 Summer Knights K-12 Tournament.”
The tournament will finish mid-afternoon. By Aug. 28, a MCCL representative will inform students who tried out if they made the team.
Each team has unique requirements for the number of tournaments in which members are expected to compete during the school year. Members will need independent work online to help prepare and strengthen their skills. Most tournaments are local, but state and national tournaments require some travel.
Chess teams practice at each school on different days and times:
* Bob Jones High School — Thursdays after school. First practice will be Aug. 17. Jennifer Tubbs is sponsor.
* James Clemens High School — Mondays during Refuel (tentative). First practice will be Aug. 21. Tammy Simons is sponsor.
* Discovery Middle School — Fridays after school. First practice will be Aug. 18. Lauren Nalty is sponsor.
* Liberty Middle School — Fridays after school. First practice will be Aug. 18. Nathan Pahman is sponsor.
* Journey Middle School — Tuesdays after school. First practice will be Aug. 15. Jeremiah Brand is sponsor.