Registration opens to vie for seat in pre-kindergarten
MADISON – A coveted program in Madison City Schools that benefits its youngest children is now accepting online, pre-registration applications for the 2023-2024 school year.
Pre-registration for First Class Pre-Kindergarten opened on Jan. 15 and will close March 17 for the 2023-2024 school year.
Pre-kindergarten teachers use a scientific research-based curriculum that is developmentally appropriate. Teachers accommodate different needs, interests, abilities, learning styles and developmental levels of individual children. (
Pre-kindergarten students can retain lasting, positive influences:
* Higher academic achievement and less possibility of repeating a grade.
* Unlikely to require special education classes.
* Better chances to graduate from high school and enroll in college.
* Less likely to participate in criminal activity during juvenile and adult years.
* Lower chances of unemployment as adults.
* Higher probability of higher earnings than peers who don’t enter pre-K.
* Less likely to depend on public assistance, to be teenage parents or to smoke.
Enrollment is open to all children in Alabama who will be four years old on or before Sept. 1, 2023. Children who are eligible for kindergarten are not eligible for pre-kindergarten. (
Parents/guardians must provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate, either uploaded or submitted directly to the school. To prove proof of residence, the family can present a current utility bill or copy of a lease or mortgage.
After a child is enrolled, the school will require his/her immunization record. MCS will never deny a child’s participation on basis of income, sex, race, color, national origin or disability.
A random drawing is the only method that determines if a child can enroll in the First Class Pre-Kindergarten. Parents/guardians are not required to attend the drawing. MCS employees will email ‘notices of acceptance’ in mid-April.
MCS charges tuition, based on the household’s size and income and using guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Children who are not selected in the random drawing will be placed on a waiting list for any future available spaces.
The 2023 drawing will be held on March 24 at 9 a.m. in MCS Central Office’s Board Room, 211 Celtic Drive. Individuals can visit to view live streaming of the drawing.
Currently, MCS Pre-K Center’s address is 74 Nance Road.
To pre-register, visit Anyone who needs assistance in accessing the online application can contact Administrator Nichole Phillips at 256-824-8080 or or Melissa Mims at 256-464-8370, ext. 10377 or