James Clemens impresses national film festival in NYC
MADISON – Students in JetsPress, the award-winning film, photography and media study at James Clemens High School, received high praise during their trip to New York City for the All-American High School Film Festival.
“I would like to congratulate Clay Combs and students in the technology and broadcast academy at James Clemens for outstanding finishes in the All-American High School Film Festival held Oct. 21-23 in NYC,” Dr. Ed Nichols, Superintendent of Madison City Schools, said in his recent District Update.
James Clemens had seven finalists and two winners in various categories in this international competition that involves more than 3,000 submissions from across the United States and foreign countries, Nichols said.
Industry professionals consider the film festival as the premier destination for talented filmmakers in high school and for media arts enthusiasts. Festival organizers strive to provide immersive education with a profound impact and to connect the future filmmakers with the rewards, respect and recognition they deserve. (hsfilmfest.com)
At the conference, Jim Eso from James Clemens earned first-place honors in the Public Service Announcement or PSA category with his submission of “Open.” Another winner in first place was Connor Douglass for his production of “For the Picture,” which is a micro movie, defined as a brief film of any genre. Some designers use a micro movie for advertisement and promotional purposes.
Zach Williams was a finalist for “Best Visual FX” for special effects in this design. In addition, Williams reached finalist status for “Best Music Video,” a very active and competitive category.
Riyan Makenna Barnett ranked as a finalist for the submission, “Best Storyblocks – Representation Through Storytelling: Our Gospel.” In the category of “Best Action Sports,” Kinsley Hunter developed a work that advanced to finalist: “James Clemens High School Football Promo 2021: The Coming Storm.” Maby De La Hoz qualified as another award winner from James Clemens.
Clay Combs mentors these students and teaches introduction to TV production, photography and advanced TV production, known as JetsPress. In 2019, the All-American High School Film Festival named Combs as “Teacher of the Year.”
For more information, visit hsfilmfest.com.