Madison Area Family Lions Club conducts eye screening at Midtown
MADISON – To fulfill one of the organization’s primary objectives, the Madison Area Lions Club recently checked the vision of 54 students in Madison.
On June 22, Lions members coordinated eye screening for students in summer programs at Midtown Elementary School.
“The event’s primary purpose was to screen kindergarten, second-grade and fourth-grade students attending the summer program,” project coordinator Maria Stansbury said. “Accomplishing eye screening is important to help children perform well in school. Many children may not realize they cannot see well enough to accomplish their schoolwork.”
This event was a joint effort between the Madison club and Von Braun Lions Club.
“We must thank our partners in the Von Braun Lions Club, especially Lindell Smith, who provided the equipment and trained our club members to use it,” Madison Lions President LaToya Dorsey said.
Eye screening is one aspect of the club’s Vision for Learning program, Dorsey said. Madison Lions Club started eye screening in Madison area schools to help school-age children who cannot pay for an eye exam. After screening by their school’s social worker, the students can receive a pair of glasses at no expense.
Madison Lions Club “is working on a plan to expand the Vision for Learning program to other Madison County schools in the future,” Dorsey said.
The club also sponsors Lions Recycle for Sight. Lions members collect used prescription eyeglasses, along with sunglasses with/without prescription, in unique recycling. “The collected glasses are cleaned and prepared for distribution in developing countries where eyecare is often unaffordable and inaccessible,” project coordinator John Emich said.
“Madison Area Family Lions Club is always looking for new members who want to serve their community,” Dorsey said. The club meets monthly on second Tuesdays at IHOP on U.S. 72 (near Madison’s city limits).
Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest service club organization, has more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 205 countries. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and strongly committed to community service and serving youth throughout the world.
For more information, email Tony Villamil at or visit Facebook/Madison Area Family Lions Club.