Madison County encourages customers to conserve water
The Madison County Water Department requests that its customers conserve water until further notice. Residents in Madison use Madison Utilities. This notice applies to residents in the county who get their water service from the county.
A significant leak was discovered last night. This, along with increased demand for water due to temperatures and minimal rainfall in the area has created extra stress on the system.
A press release from the county stated that while they work to bring the system back to normal operating levels, the county asks for everyone’s cooperation in limiting the use of water by delaying the following activities until further notice:
Washing of vehicles;
Watering of lawns including use of sprinklers, and irrigation systems;
Filling of swimming pools;
Any other unnecessary/extra water usage in your home or business.
“We are only encouraging residents and customers to voluntarily conserve water. We hope conditions will change soon, alleviating the need for stricter water conservation,” County Engineer Chuck Faulkner said, “We want to thank our customers for your understanding and cooperation.”
Report any and all water leaks as quickly as possible by calling (256) 746-2888.