Lions Club sends Rainbow student to Camp Seale Harris
MADISON – A local civic club is reaching out to a Madison student to have an enjoyable – and healthy — time during summer break.
The Madison Area Family Lions Club is sponsoring a local elementary school child who has diabetes to attend the 2022 Summer Day Camp at Camp Seale Harris in Huntsville. Lions members based their selection criteria on need and benefit.
“We felt that this child would most benefit from the day camp experience because they will transition from elementary to middle school next year where they are expected to be more independent with managing their diabetes,” Club Coordinator Allison Fuller said.
Dr. Samuel Eichold II of Mobile founded Camp Seale Harris in 1949. Thanks to his vision and support, Camp Seale Harris has helped children living with diabetes. The program now offers day camps throughout Alabama and Florida. The Huntsville Day Camp runs from June 27 to July 5.
Learning to navigate diabetes independently will allow youth to participate in different activities that come available in middle school. Camp Seale Harris is the primary community program offered by the Southeastern Diabetes Education Services. Since 1949, the program has provided a medically supervised, fun camp experience for thousands of children and teenagers with diabetes.
The camp’s namesake is renowned endocrinologist, Dr. Seale Harris. The camp has achieved a time-tested standard of care for children and teens with diabetes, Fuller said.
“Camp is a place where having diabetes is the norm, where you can compare and share stories with peers, and where you don’t have to explain diabetes all the time because everyone there ‘gets it,’” Fuller said. “They understand exactly what it’s like living with diabetes because they live with diabetes, too.”
Children and teens learn independence in managing blood sugar and medication, making healthy food choices and being physically active. To provide supervision and real-time feedback, trained adult volunteer counselors with diabetes join the outreach with physicians, nurses, diabetes educators, nutritionists and pharmacists.
Anyone interested in supporting Camp Seale Harris or requiring more information about their service can email
The Madison Area Family Lions Club has 21 members and meets monthly on second Tuesdays at IHOP near Madison’s city limits. Lions clubs, a recognized service organization, identify needs within their community and work together to fulfill those needs.
For more information about the club, email John Emich at