Alabama 4-H Ambassador applications now open
Calling all high school sophomore, junior and senior 4-H members! Alabama 4-H ambassador applications are now open. Joy Scott, an Alabama Cooperative Extension System 4-H leadership specialist, is excited to start the search for new ambassadors to represent Alabama 4-H over the next school year.
“Representing 4-H and the state of Alabama, while also doing your part for the community, is an opportunity many students do not get,” Scott said.
In order to apply, enrolled members must be 14 years old by January 1 of the starting term year. To become an Alabama 4-H ambassador, members must submit an application and resume through 4HOnline by May 2, 2022. Selected members will interview May 24 at the Alabama 4-H Center and May 25 at Auburn University.
What It Means to Be a 4-H Ambassador
Alabama 4-H ambassadors get the unique experience of furthering their communication and leadership skills at a young age. All ambassadors demonstrate the ability to work well with others and communicate effectively with their peers and adults. They also come together to plan activities and fun events throughout the year.
“I enjoy being in 4-H because it makes me feel like I am important,” said Rachel Allen, a 4-H state ambassador from Elmore County. “Everyone plays a part when they are an ambassador, and everyone is included.”
Many students feel rewarded when they see the events and meetings they planned come together. The growth high school students undergo within the 4-H program helps shape them into the next group of leaders in Alabama.
“Everything I’ve learned involving being the leader I am today and will become one day, I have learned in 4-H,” said Aiden MacKenzie, a 4-H state ambassador from Limestone County.
4-H ambassadors are the face of Alabama 4-H. Supporting 4-H, while carrying out their vision and educating people on the mission, are only a few things that make up a great ambassador.
“Punctuality, perseverance and patience are the three Ps that I always relate to being a good ambassador,” MacKenzie said.
More Information
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become an Alabama 4-H state ambassador. For more information on the responsibilities of an ambassador, see the Alabama Extension publication Alabama 4-H Ambassadors at
Looking to be further involved in 4-H? Visit or reach out to your county Extension office to learn about local clubs, activities and opportunities.