Bero uses astronomy, aeronautics interest to create science webinar
MADISON – To develop her webinar this summer, Beth Bero relied on her study in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM material, along with experience in astronomy and inclination for possibilities in space.
Bero works as Gifted Specialist at Horizon Elementary School. Bero earned the 2020 Educator Achievement Award from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
“I gave a one-hour lecture as part of a once-a-month series of lectures open only to members of Alabama Association for Gifted Children or AAGC. They asked me to present and gave me free choice of topic,” Bero said.
Looking at available dates, July 20 popped out to Bero as a great tie-in to a space-themed talk for the 52nd anniversary of man’s first step on the moon.
“I watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon on a black-and-white television with my parents at home in Clearwater, Fla.,” she said. “My father worked for Honeywell (on) the team preparing the gyroscopic systems for Gemini and Apollo missions.”
Bero said teachers can share a love of space and the night sky with students and their schools. She discussed ways to partner with local astronomy clubs and access help from NASA to introduce students to the night sky — possibly even instituting a “Space Week” at school.
The AAGC conference on Oct. 13-15 will convene at the Birmingham Marriott. AAGC asked supervisors (in Madison — Melissa Mims, Coordinator of Elementary Instruction) to recommend gifted specialists with exciting and interesting ideas to share with peers.
From MCS, Emily Boshers, Rachel Gibbs, Beth Woodard and Bero were selected as presenters.
In one session, each specialist will have 10 minutes maximum to speak on a topic of her/his choice. At the workshop’s conclusion, participants can question “Best of the Best Gifted Workshop” presenters about understanding practices that gifted-education teachers are using for varied needs of gifted children.
Bero’s half-day presentation at the conference will focus on planning curriculum for gifted programs.
Bero previously taught gifted students at Dunbar Sixth Grade Center in Tampa, Fla. She holds NBCT status or National Board Certified Teacher.
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