Student families take a moment to thank teachers this week
MADISON – Students and their families are showing their gratitude for educators in both the classroom and the boardroom during Teacher Appreciation Week.
On campuses across Madison City Schools, teachers are realizing that parents and their children have not ignored their perseverance, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers not only taught in the classroom but had to ‘emcee’ online lectures by Zoom and other virtual platforms.
Madison Elementary School PTA members are urging families to “support our Super Teachers for their perseverance this school year,” according to MCS district posts. Virtual students are dropping off gift items in bins outside the school building and submitting items digitally to their teachers.
The “Stock the Fridge” campaign is filling the teachers’ refrigerator full of goodies during this week (
Administrators also are hearing ‘thank you’ from Madison Elementary PTA. Members posted a message that states an adjective for each letter in the word ‘Principal’ — “Principals are Patient, Reliable, Important, Nurturing, Caring, Intelligent, Phenomenal, Approachable, Leaders, Supportive.”
The tribute to administrators’ admirable qualities coincided with National Principals’ Day. Jamie Golliver is Principal at Madison elementary. Demetria Freeman is Assistant Principal.
For each day of Teacher Appreciation Week on May 3-7, the MES PTA designated a ‘super’ theme. The PTA proclaimed, “Real Superheroes Don’t Wear Capes … They Teach!”
For May 3, students wrote their thoughts on a sheet that started with “I think you are super because …” They could write a message or draw a picture for their teacher.
For “Donate Super Supplies” on May 4, students brought provisions, like disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues and pencils to teachers. For “Dress Like a Superhero,” students dressed as sidekicks for their heroic teachers.
On May 6, they wrote thank-you notes to show their appreciation. On May 7, teachers received “Super Gifts,” like flowers, gift cards and any small token from students.
MCS Superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols said in a video address on April 30 that the upcoming Teacher Appreciation Week “should be ‘Teacher Appreciation YEAR.’ Thank a school bus driver, cafeteria worker, custodian, front desk employee and other support workers, as well. For without them, Madison City Schools would not be the top-notch system it is.”