Registration opens for ‘drawing’ of pre-kindergarten slots in MCS
MADISON – Madison City Schools is accepting online pre-registration for the Alabama First Class Pre-Kindergarten Program or pre-K for the 2021-2022 school year.
Enrollment is open to all children who will be four years old on or before Sept. 1, 2021 and are residents of the State of Alabama. Children who are eligible for kindergarten are ineligible for pre-kindergarten. Five-year-olds cannot attend pre-K.
Enrollees must provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate, which can be uploaded to the online pre-registration site or submitted directly to the local school or program. After the child is enrolled, parents or guardians must provide the child’s immunization record. Visit
Enrollees must provide documentation for proof of residence, which can be either a current utility bill or a copy of a lease or mortgage. The child must be a resident of the City of Madison to register for MCS Pre-Kindergarten.
Pre-registration for the pre-K in MCS opened Jan. 15 and will close March 12. The pre-K program does not require a registration fee.
Parents/guardians must complete the online pre-registration form in its entirety. Double-check spelling and capitalization of names and addresses recorded on the form. This information will enter MCS’ official database exactly as typed.
Submitting the required forms places the child in the selection process randomly for Alabama First Class Pre-Kindergarten. Acceptance in pre-kindergarten is strictly through random drawing that will be held March 29 at 9 a.m. at Central Office, 211 Celtic Drive. The drawing (or ‘lottery’ of sorts) is needed because the program has more applicants than classroom openings.
If the child’s name is drawn for a space in a program, the district will notify the parent/guardian. Children who are not selected will be on a waiting list for any future available spaces.
The district will not deny participation of any child on the basis on income, sex, race, color, national origin or disability.
For more information, visit, and click the “PreK Applications Open January 15” section. Another site to review is, and click First Class Pre-K for pre-registration information.