Great Kindness Challenge helps dispel bullying at Madison elementary
MADISON – The student body at Madison Elementary School is engaging in activities for positive behavior during the 2020-2021 Great Kindness Challenge.
During the week of Jan. 25, the youngsters are joining thousands of schools across the country to create a culture of kindness on their campuses.
“We are excited to be taking part in the annual Great Kindness Challenge. All of our students will have the opportunity to participate in themed activities Monday through Friday,” Principal Jamie Golliver said.
“Your child is part of a powerful and positive bullying prevention initiative that will lead to more kindness, unity and respect at school,” Golliver said. “To help build upon this momentum, we’re participating in a service project with Downtown Rescue Mission in Huntsville to help make sure community members in need are given the resources they need to stay warm this winter.”
On Jan. 25, students observed “We Don’t Hide From Kindness Day.” They dressed in camouflage gear or green clothes to symbolize that they will not avoid consideration of other people. They drew a heart for the school’s ‘kindness tree.’
For “Shine Bright With Kindness Day” on Jan. 26, students will wear bright colors or shirts with sparkles. They will contribute to a collection drive to help people at Downtown Rescue Mission by giving hats, gloves, scarves and toboggans for men, women and children.
The children can enjoy “Powered by Kindness Day” when they will have the chance to wear costumes of a favorite superhero. Madison elementary students will donate unopened snack foods and bottled water for their classroom in case a student forgets to bring his or her own treat.
Madison elementary’s mascot, the MES Hornet, will get the focus on Jan. 28 during “Kindness is the MES Hornet Way Day.” Students will write a letter or draw a picture for someone in their family and let them know how special they are.
For “Kindness Is Classy Day,” each class decided on the theme of the day. To start a friendship, students will write letters to their Buzz Buddy class and introduce themselves.
In other activities, MES PTA will coordinate Chick-fil-A Virtual Spirit Night on Feb. 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. on campus. To pre-order, visit and select Madison elementary as the location.