Madison City Schools to start new year virtually
Madison City Schools are joining Huntsville and Madison County school districts in announcing a virtual start to school next month. Under the revised plan, all students in Madison will start virtually on Aug. 12.
MCS superintendent Dr. Ed Nichols presented the plan Wednesday morning.
Below is the revised as presented by the Madison City School District:
As of July 22, Madison City Schools will operate under a phased reopening.
○ Students may still choose from two learning options: School-Based Learning Option and Virtual Academy Learning Option.
● Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, all students (both School-Based and Virtual) will start the school year virtually on August 12.
○ The previously designated staggered start of August 10-12 will not be implemented due to the phased reopening.
○ Students selecting the School-Based Learning Option should plan to learn virtually for the first 9 week grading period. This will be reassessed approximately four weeks into the school year. If there is no change in COVID-19 cases or if the number of cases is still at a very high mark, then the students selecting the School-Based Learning Option will remain virtual through the end of the first 9 week grading period. However, if at that time there is a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases, the district will allow students selecting the School-Based Learning Option to resume in person learning prior to the end of the 9 week grading period. Depending on the COVID-19 situation, students could return to school in a Blended School-Based Learning model or a Full Scale Reopening model.
■ The Blended School-Based Learning model will consist of either an A-B Rotation or an A-B-C Rotation. With an A-B Rotation, students will attend in person two days a week and virtually three days a week. With an A-B-C Rotation, students will attend in person one day a week and virtually four days a week. Specialized services would be provided in person one day a week.
■ With the Full Scale Reopening, students will return to school in person five days a week. Students will follow the original MCS Reentry Plan Guidelines for returning to school through the School-Based Learning Option
○ Students selecting the Virtual Learning Academy Option will start the school year virtually. At the end of the first 9 week grading period, elementary (K-5) students selecting the Virtual Learning Academy Option may choose to remain virtual or return to school through the School-Based Learning Option. This decision for K-5 can be made at the end of each 9 week grading period. At the end of the fall semester, secondary (6-12) students selecting the Virtual Learning Academy Option may choose to remain virtual or return to school in person through the School-Based Learning Option. This decision for 6-12 can be made at the end of the Fall Semester.
● Due to the revised plan for a phased reopening, we are asking that parents/guardians complete the Virtual Learning Academy Intent Form form if they would like their child to participate in the virtual learning option for the 2020-2021 school year. (We realize that families may want to change their child’s Learning Intent Option based on
the revised plan that was released for a phased reopening.)
○ This form should only be completed if a student plans to learn virtually this year (regardless of whether the Learning Intent Form was already completed). If families do not complete this Virtual Learning Academy Intent Form, then those students will automatically be enrolled as School-Based for the 2020-2021 school year.
○ The Virtual Learning Academy Intent Form does not replace the online registration/reenrollment process for the 2020-2021 school year. Registration/reenrollment must be completed prior to the completion of this intent form.
○ For families selecting the Virtual Learning Academy option, please complete the Madison City Schools Virtual Learning Academy Intent Form for each child to help us build fall class rosters for the Virtual Academy. The deadline to submit responses is 5:00 pm on Monday, July 27.
● As stated earlier, with the revised plan for a phased reopening, all students will start school virtually on August 12. Students can still choose from a School-Based Learning Option or a Virtual Academy Learning Option. Students selecting the School-Based Learning Option will start the year virtually.
Students may make changes to their learning option at the end of the nine weeks for elementary (K-5) and at the end of the semester for secondary (6-12).