City of Madison to require masks in all municipal buildings
MADISON – While Madison has not entertained passing an ordinance requiring people to wear masks in businesses throughout the city, Mayor Paul Finley did announce a mandate requiring masks be worn at all city facilities.
The mandate is response to a recent spike of positive COVID-19 cases in Madison County, said Finley. He said masks will be required to enter city facilities and should be worn in all common areas.
“The rise in positive Coivid-19 cases county wide dictates that we continue to take additional positive actions to combat the spread. Thus, starting tomorrow, Friday, June 26, all City of Madison facilities including City Hall and Dublin Park will go from highly recommended to mandatory masking. Masks will be required in all transition areas and in meetings unless the parties are able to stay six feet apart. Lastly, all spectators at City Council meetings and during Court will be required to wear masks unless speaking.”
Employees will lead by example,he said, cleaning jointly used equipment before and after use each time. Employees will also be wearing masks to, from and during meetings, unless a safe six foot distance can be adhered to. Additionally, any employee who is tested for COVID-19 must remain quarantined until they receive their results.
As previously established, persons who are sick and/or symptomatic should not come to City Hall or other municipal buildings.