Consistent communication is pivotal now, Golliver says
MADISON – Teamwork and collaboration among all Madison City Schools employees has been tremendous during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Jamie Golliver, Principal of Madison Elementary School.
“During the closure’s first two weeks, Madison elementary teachers created virtual learning experiences and shared online resources for students,” Golliver said. “We wanted to retain as much of the normalcy for everyone as we could, so we held read-alouds twice a day via our school Facebook page.”
“We also held a virtual MES Spirit Week with a different daily theme in which our students and staff could engage by sharing photos on Facebook,” Golliver said. Madison elementary’s faculty and staff helped with distribution of lunches to students and families.
“Our teachers have stepped up to the plate in a big way in ensuring that our students continue to know that they are loved and missed and that we are all in this together,” Golliver said. “They have worked diligently to communicate with and support our parents during this transition.”
Golliver and individual teachers have received tons of positive feedback from students and parents. “All of us work to navigate these uncertain times,” he said. “Having consistent and transparent communication has served us very well.”
“It was tough to hear that schools are now closed to students for the rest of the school year with alternative learning methods to take place starting the week after Spring Break,” Golliver said. “I support the decision as a preventative one with the safety of all of us in mind.”
“My message to our MES Family has been that, with all of the questions and uncertainty, I know we’ll figure it out and do what is best for our students. After all, that’s what we all do each and every day,” Golliver said.
“We must continue to be role models of strength, compassion and perseverance for our students,” Golliver said. “Collaboration, flexibility, patience and teamwork are going to be key.”
Another key factor will be continuation of looking out for students, checking in with them and taking care of each other.
“We welcome and encourage parents to ask questions and continue to communicate with school staff and administration to help alleviate concerns and clarify information,” Golliver said. “As always, it is a true team effort when it comes to working together to make sure that our students succeed.”
Golliver has been an educator for 24 years.