Legion recognizes Clark, Wroblewski as Blue Star families
MADISON – American Legion, Post 229 in Madison recognized two families with Blue Star Banners during the Feb. 24 meeting of Madison City Council.
The Blue Star Banner represents that one family member is serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The banner can contain a maximum of five stars, signifying five members of that family are on active duty.
Two members of Madison City Council, Gerald Clark and Maura Wroblewski, and their families received Blue Star Banners to honor the military service of two of their children. Post 229 Commander Larry Vannoy and Adjutant Stacey Harring presented the banners.
Gerald and Tina Clark’s son, W2 Phillip Auston Clark, is serving in the U.S. Army as a pilot of a medical evacuation Black Hawk helicopter at Camp Humphries, South Korea. Their younger son William also attended the ceremony. Gerald Clark represents Council District 6.
Maura and Ron Wroblewski’s daughter, Airman Sarah Christine Wroblewski, is serving in the U.S. Air Force as an Aviation Materials Management Analyst at Joint Air Base Charleston, S.C. Maura Wroblewski represents Council District 1.
Usually, a family displays its Blue Star Banner in windows to show a family’s pride in their loved one’s military service. The banner serves to remind others that preserving America’s freedom demands much commitment and sacrifice.
Blue Star Banners’ origin dates to 1917 and World War I with efforts by Army Captain Robert L. Quessner of the 5th Ohio Infantry, who had two sons serving in combat. The banner quickly became the unofficial symbol for families who had a child in the service.
American Legion provides banners to families in communities nationwide. Special Blue Star Corporate Flags for government and corporate groups show their support for employees called to active duty in the war against terrorism.
American Legion, Post 229 conducts general membership meetings monthly on second Thursdays at 7 p.m. in Lunar Lodge, 740 Eastview Drive in Madison.
Any family, along with governmental and corporate entities, interested in obtaining a Blue Star Banner can contact Blue Star Coordinator Earl Watts with Post 229. Call 256-258-8534, email Commander@americanlegionpost229.org or Adjutant@americanlegionpost229 or visit americanlegionpost229.org or Facebook/American Legion Post 229.