MPD searching for suspect in Sunday night robbery
MADISON — Madison Police are looking for a suspect in connection with a business robbery that occurred Nov. 25.
MPD responded to the robbery, which occurred at the Big A gas station convenience store late Sunday night. After the victim made the call, detectives responded to the scene and are now investigating available leads.
According to a news release from MPD, the victim reported to police that the offender “entered the business, brandished a firearm and demanded money.” An alert from MPD said the suspect was armed with a pistol.
The offender then obtained an undisclosed amount of money and fled from the scene.
MPD describes the suspect as a “black male, approximately 35-40 years old, wearing a puffy blue jacket, black pants and black dress shoes.” The news release noted that he was last seen fleeing north from the business on foot. MPD recognized that it is also possible that after fleeing, the suspect may have gotten into a vehicle somewhere nearby.
MPD is asking that anyone who may have information regarding this crime to call 256-772-5689 during regular business hours, or 256-722-7190 after hours.
Because this is an ongoing investigation, MPD said no further details will be released at this time.
The Big A convenience store is located at 9116 Madison Boulevard near the Madison Village Shopping Center.