Time for flu shots; get yours at City Hall
MADISON – To help avoid a bout with a nasty flu bug, Madison residents have options to receive a free flu shot this season.
The most convenient site will be at Madison City Hall, 100 Hughes Road on Oct. 16. Madison County Health Department is conducting the clinics for free flu shots. Department employees will give the inoculations in Council Chambers from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Individuals of any age can receive a flu shot. Health department officials ask that residents bring any medical insurance cards (Medicare, Medicaid and Blue Advantage Cards).
Officials urge residents to avoid allowing the flu bug to affect your health negatively. A flu shot can help individuals avoid the aches, pain and fever of influenza.
Along with Madison’s clinic, the health department has scheduled clinics at Madison County sites on specific dates from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.:
* Oct. 17 — Harrison Wellness Center, 6156 Pulaski Pike NW, Huntsville.
* Oct. 23 — Huntsville Police Department, South Precinct, 7900 Bailey Cove Road.
* Oct. 26 — Madison County Health Department, 301 Max Luther Drive.
In addition to the health department’s clinics, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library has collaborated with pharmacists from Walgreens to give free flu shots at the downtown library in Huntsville, 915 Monroe St. SW.
The downtown library’s shot clinic will be held Oct. 20 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Individuals wanting the shot should go to the front entrance.
Free vouchers will be available for individuals without health insurance. Flu shots at the library will be available for individuals seven years and older. Anyone younger than 18 years old must have a guardian present.
Flu mist will not be available at this clinic.
For more information, visit hmcpl.org or Facebook/Huntsville-Madison County Public Library.