Senior center offers AARP Safe Driving Class
MADISON – Madison Senior Center will host an AARP Safe Driving Class on Sept. 13.
Fred Williams will instruct the AARP class from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Some drivers who are older than 50 years old have never reviewed current driving regulations since receiving their first driver’s license. However, even the most experienced drivers can benefit from refreshing their driving skills, according to AARP.
The AARP course at Madison Senior Center will review current rules of the road and defensive driving techniques. Participants will learn ways to manage and accommodate common age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time.
In addition, participants will learn about safety strategies that can reduce the likelihood of having a crash, along with the proper use of seat belts, air bags, antilock brakes and new technology found in cars today
“Call Madison Senior Center for a reservation,” activities coordinator Joy Edwards said. “Fee is $15 for an AARP member or $20 for a non-member.” Class attendees are welcome to bring a snack for breaks during the class.
Insurance companies may give a discount on car insurance to individuals who complete the class, Edwards said.
Madison Senior Center’s address is 1282 Hughes Road. To make a reservation for the class, call Madison Senior Center at 256-772-6242. For details about the course, visit