Student families, residents welcome at Discovery ‘Get Connected’
MADISON – On May 3, Discovery Middle School will open its doors for the DMS Showcase from 6 to 8 p.m.
Discovery staff and faculty invite all parents and community residents to visit, walk the halls and see all of the school’s outstanding opportunities for students.
DMS Showcase’s theme is “Get Connected.” “We want parents and future students to have the opportunity to learn about the different clubs, sports, activities and classes we offer,” computer science teacher and sponsor Laura Collins said.
“Our goal is that every student ‘Get Connected’ by becoming actively involved in one or more of the wonderful activities at Discovery,” Collins said. “Our dedicated teachers spend countless hours before and after school facilitating these opportunities, and it is our wish that each student find an activity where they feel that they fit in and belong.”
During the DMS Showcase, tables and displays throughout the halls will showcase each club, activity, sport and class at Discovery. Current students, along with teachers, will be available at each display to discuss subjects and answer questions.
“Please take the time to participate in this wonderful opportunity and allow us the chance to show you all that our school has to offer its students,” Collins said. “We look forward to seeing you there.”