Fire, police chiefs read to preschoolers
Police Chief David Jernigan reads a book about school safety to preschoolers during storytime at Madison Public Library. CONTRIBUTED/Michael Sedlacek
Fire Chief David Baily was always a big part of the community. He is pictured here as youngsters raise their hands to answer a question from Fire Chief Bailey during storytime in 2018.
David Jernigan, Chief of Madison Police Department, and David Bailey, Chief of Madison Fire and Rescue Department, visited the library’s preschool storytime to read books about safety to the children.
Each week, the storytime leaders have been traveling through the alphabet with young readers. For the day of special readings, librarians designated Feb. 15 as “S is for Safety” day.
“Parents want their kids to be safe in all situations, and children in the Madison community learned safety lessons directly from Chief Jernigan and Chief Bailey,” Samantha Magnuson said. Magnuson works as Communications Specialist for the City of Madison.
“Kids and parents enjoyed safety songs, stories and rhymes. Police and fire officials also had a police car and fire truck for the children to view and learn more about,” Magnuson said.
MPL Branch Manager Sarah Sledge said the opportunity to hear stories from role models and especially local heroes, like our police officers and firefighters, sets a positive example for young learners.
“Children exposed to the excitement of reading grow up to be readers themselves,” Sledge said. “We are thrilled to partner with Madison Fire and Police!”
“Our fire and police members work jointly to prevent emergencies and to help our citizens in their time of need. We strive to strengthen our partnership with each child,” Chief Bailey said. “I am thrilled for a chance to read with them and share information about keeping the family safe.”
“We envision these kids, in the future, helping others to stay safe,” Bailey said.
Likewise, Jernigan and his staff want children to know that the police are always willing to extend a helping hand. “It’s a great feeling seeing a kid’s face light up and learn more about safety. This storytime is a great way to get our police and fire departments involved in the community and share that message,” Jernigan said.
Madison Public Library’s new building opened on Jan. 27. “Since the grand opening, residents have swarmed the library, utilizing the fantastic resources the new facility offers,” Magnuson said.
Madison Public Library’s address is 142 Plaza Blvd. For more information, call 256-461-0046, message to @MadisonPublicLibraryAL or visit Facebook/Madison Public Library.