Mims named MCS Elementary Instruction Coordinator
MADISON – Melissa Raby Mims will be leaving her post as Principal of Madison Elementary School to work as Elementary Instruction Coordinator for Madison City Schools.
At its Feb. 8 meeting, Madison Board of Education approved Mims, who has served as principal at Madison elementary since 2014. Mims will fill the slot vacated by Judy Warmath, who retired in December 2017.
A native of Madison County, Mims has 16.5 years of experience as an educator. Previously, she worked as assistant principal at Chelsea Park Elementary School in Shelby County for six years; as a third-grade teacher three years; and second grade at Loachapoka Elementary School in Lee County and Chestatee Elementary School in Forsyth County, Georgia.
“My education philosophy is to teach in a way that excites students by creating an engaging, safe environment where collaboration is encouraged and mistakes are understood,” Mims said in a “Madison Living” interview. Educators should develop relationships by understanding each student personally and academically “to challenge and motivate students in different ways.”
Mims graduated from Auburn University with a bachelor’s, master’s and educational specialist degrees in elementary education. She earned a master’s certification in educational leadership from the University of Montevallo.
“Ms. Mims has done a wonderful job as principal and brings some great credentials to the job,” MCS Superintendent Robby Parker said.
She and husband Wes and their 15-month old daughter live in Madison.
“We welcomed our daughter, Lillian, into our family in October 2016. She has been a tremendous blessing to both of us,” Melissa said. “Lillian is growing up quickly and is such fun to be around. Wes and I certainly stay busy.”
“Lillian has my undivided attention during my spare time. We enjoy playing and reading,” Melissa said. “I also cherish time spent with family and friends.”
Mims reads educational literature as a leisure activity. “Education is truly my passion. I feel so blessed to work in a field I love,” she said.
Mims will switch to her new role at Central Office in a few weeks after work is underway to fill Madison elementary’s principal vacancy.