Carlos Woods, Post 229 Commander, presents a donation from American Legion to Mary Downs, from left, Aun’yae Johnson, McKenna Shelly, Olivia Downs and Bre Johnson of Girl Scout Troop 926. CONTRIBUTED
Bob Jones High School, James Clemens High School, Madison, Madison County Record, News, Schools, Sparkman High School, Z - News Main
American Legion donates to Girl Scouts
MADISON – Madison American Legion, Post 229 presented a donation to Girl Scout Troop 926.
Legionnaires presented their contribution to the Scouts during the annual placement of Christmas wreathes on veterans’ gravesites on Dec. 16.
Members of Madison American Legion are strong supporters of youth programs and have a long history of sponsoring and monetarily supporting such programs. Post 229 has previously donated to Boy Scout Troop 201 in Madison, along with each of the three Junior ROTC organizations at Bob Jones High School (Air Force), James Clemens High School (Army) and Sparkman (Army) High School.