Madison American Legion donates to three ROTC groups
“The local Legionnaires annually donate to each organization to demonstrate the American Legion’s support of the JROTC and importance in which it views their programs in the development young people as future leaders,” Madison Post Historian Richard Blanton said.
At Bob Jones High School, the Air Force JROTC Unit, AL-20021, received the donation. Ceremony participants included retired U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Tom McKinney, Post 229 Americanism Chairman; Bob Jones Principal Sylvia Lambert; Cadet Colonel William Burrows; retired U.S. Army officer Carlos Woods, Post 229 Commander; Cadet Major Kayle Kress, Drill Team Commander; and retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Randy Herd, Senior Instructor.
At James Clemens High School, the Army JROTC program welcomed the post’s support. The presentation included retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Larry Vannoy, Post 229 1st Adjutant; retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major Samuel McCray, Instructor; Cadet Sergeant First Class Shakyia McBride; retired U.S. Army Major Rezell Linen, Senior Instructor; Cadet 1st Lieutenant Lila McQueen; Woods; and McKinney.
Sparkman High School representatives accepted the donation for its Army JROTC organization. The program participants were retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Nathan; Cadet Sergeant Daniel Nee; Cadet 1st Sergeant Taylor Surratt; Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Adrienne Graham, Battalion Commander; retired U.S. Army 1st Sergeant Walter Jones; Woods; and Vannoy.
For information about American Legion, Post 229, email or visit