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Ringing bells, adopting angels help at Christmas
MADISON COUNTY – Ringing bells at local businesses and ‘adopting’ angels can help the Salvation Army fulfill its mission to share the Christmas spirit.
Adult and youth can sign up as bell ringers for Salvation Army’s iconic Christmas Kettles. Proceeds from kettle donation helps in assistance to individuals in need year-round in Madison County.
Christmas Kettles are placed at entrances to Walmart, Sam’s Club and Kroger stores throughout the county, plus Hobby Lobby and Star Market.
Volunteers can ring at another location by calling Community Relations Coordinator Pamela Donald at 256-536-5576, ext. 14 to secure permission with the store owners.
To volunteer, visit salvationarmyalm.org/huntsville and click “Volunteer To Ring A Bell.” Select dates for Saturdays and locations to cover. To volunteer on a weekday, call Donald at 256-536-5576, ext. 14.
“We ring bells from 10 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.,” Donald said. “If your group is unable to commit to a full day, you can select either the first or second half of the day at certain locations.”
New this year, individual volunteers can sign up to ring at a Red Kettle on Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until noon.
“On the day you’re scheduled to ring, the Red Kettle and supplies will be waiting at your scheduled location,” Donald said. “We’ll check on volunteers throughout the day/evening. Our staff will be there at the end of the day to collect donations.”
An adult must accompany a youth volunteer who is younger than 16 years old. “It’s extremely important that kettles are never left unattended,” she said. For more information, call 256-361-4445.
In addition, the 2016 Angel Tree program still has angels in need of adoption.
“Help us make sure that all of our angels have a bright and hopeful Christmas,” Donald said. “Your help will ensure that no one is left out or forgotten.”
To adopt an angel, visit salvationarmyhuntsville.org or the Salvation Army Angel Tree Booth at Parkway Place Mall on the lower level at Dillard’s entrance.
In 2016, the Angel Tree provided 2,026 gifts to children in service to 959 families.