Safety Optimist Style on May 7 promises fun, facts
MADISON – Safety Optimist Style (SOS) promotes children’s safety while adding family fun for a pleasant springtime event. Madison Optimist Club will present the 2016 S0S at Dublin Park on May 7.
SOS will open at 10 a.m. and continue until 1 p.m. “SOS provides elementary school-age children, their parents or guardians with whom they can turn to in case of an emergency,” club publicist Vic van Leeuwen said.
“Kids meet firefighters with Madison Fire and Rescue Department, officers in Madison Police Department, emergency medical technicians, sheriff deputies and others,” van Leeuwen said.
Optimist members realize that, when emergencies develop, “the arrival of loud vehicles with bright, flashing lights manned by strangers can add to the confusion and anxiety of our children,” van Leeuwen said. At SOS, first responders allow the children “to make that siren wail or turn on those flashing lights.”
Optimists designed SOS to introduce youngsters to these safety organizations and other groups so that, should an emergency develop, they are in an environment that is just a little bit more familiar.
“To make it even more fun, SOS will feature ‘bouncy’ inflatable houses, a magician who makes balloon animals for the kids and refreshments,” van Leeuwen said. “Also, there will be many wonderful door prizes, which include two bicycles.”
American Red Cross personnel, therapy dogs and Smokey the Bear with the Alabama Forestry Commission usually visit SOS. Local businesses and restaurants donate coupon packets. The Optimists serve treats like hot dogs, popcorn, cookies, Popsicles and beverages.
Madison Optimist Club is a civic organization that conducts events in support of the Madison area’s young citizens in their effort to become productive members of our society.
Optimists meet monthly on the first and third Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at Picasso’s Grill, 12060 County Line Road. For more information, call 772-8148 or 461-8787.