Births, Lifestyles
Bailey Joy and Hailey Sara Messick were born on April 12, 2016
Bailey Joy and Hailey Sara Messick were born on April 12, 2016 at Madison Hospital. Bailey weighed five pounds four ounces and measured 18 inches; Hailey weighed fives pounds zero ounces and measured 17 inches. Parents are Joshua and Kimberly Messick of Madison. Grandparents are Vickie and BJ Wolfe of Goshen, Peggie and Jim Fields of Jasper, Tom and Lisa Allen of Pensacola, FL and Steve Messick of Goshen. Great-grandparents are Charles and Mary Clinton of Goshen, Jaunita and Aubrey Messick of Goshen, Johnny and Joy Hatfield of Pensacola, FL, Bud and Sally Allen of Villirica, GA. Sibling is Addison (17 months).