Registration opens for Math-A-Palooza
Math-A-Palooza 2016 will be held at Bob Jones High School on April 2. The photo shows registration at James Clemens High School at a previous Math-A-Palooza. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – A unique competition that combines academic skills with lighthearted fun returns to town with Math-A-Palooza on April 2.
Students should return registration forms to their teacher by March 4. Registration fee is $5.
Sponsored by Madison City Schools, the district-wide contest has become an annual event for Madison youngsters. Bob Jones High School will host the event this year. Students in grades 3-6 are eligible to enter.
Members of math teams will play in one division. Other students will compete in a separate group.
“Math-A-Palooza blends mathematics problem-solving with an upbeat atmosphere,” coordinator Kimberly Cox said. At Bob Jones, Cox teaches preliminary Advanced Placement Pre-Calculus and pre-AP algebra II and trigonometry.
“Don’t miss this year’s Math-A-Palooza on the perfect square date … 4 2 16 (4 squared equals 16),” Cox said. “The next perfect square date won’t be until 5/2/25.”
Contestants can “celebrate with a challenging math test, poster contest, stories, Kahoot and ‘Are You Smarter Than a High Schooler?’ We’ll provide a free snack for competitors, but we will also have additional snacks for sale for parents and students,” Cox said.
Competitors should arrive at the Bob Jones cafeteria at 8:15 a.m. on April 2 for check-in. Test time will run from 8:45 to 10 a.m. Activities will follow the tests. Awards will be presented at 11:30 a.m.
Students who like to create posters can enter the Square (x2) poster contest. Judging criteria will include related math content, creativity and presentation.
For more information, visit the video at
In other math news, Bob Jones Math Team placed third in the nation in the Four- by-Four competition, Cox said. One team ranked in first place for their division. National Assessment & Testing administers the competition.
Team members from Bob Jones were Winston Van, Joey Li, Emily Jeung and Mathew Ganatra. Students participating from Discovery Middle School were eighth-graders Victoria Lee, Joy Duan, Lynne Clark and Michael Guthrie.