Trump rally packs Madison City Schools Stadium
MADISON – “This is amazing.”
Donald Trump opened with those words at his campaign rally at Madison City Schools Stadium on Feb. 28.
Trump’s visit preceded Super Tuesday when voters and delegates will endorse candidates in 13 states. “You gotta get out and vote on Tuesday. We’re almost leading in Texas, and I’ve got a feeling that we’re going to win,” Trump said, wearing a red baseball cap reading “Make America Great Again.”
“The Huntsville/Madison area is really thriving and doing well. We’re going to keep that space program going,” he said.
Madison Fire and Rescue Department estimated the attendance at 15,000 people. During his talk, Trump inflated that estimate to 32,000.
Trump answered his pre-rally tweet about a “big announcement” and welcomed Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.). “I’m pleased to endorse Donald Trump as President of the United States. We have the chance for the American people’s voice to be heard again,” Sessions said.
“I told Donald Trump this isn’t a campaign. It’s a movement,” Sessions said. The crowd briefly interrupted Sessions with chants of “We want Trump” and “USA.”
Trump blasted his opponents. “Marco (Rubio) is a lightweight. ‘Little Marco.'” During a recent debate, Trump said Rubio “almost fainted. We don’t need a fainter (in office). He’s not cool, he sweats too much, and I don’t want him representing us.”
“Hillary should not be allowed to run because she broke the law,” Trump said. “10,000, 20,000, 40,000 emails. How does anyone send that many emails? We’re going to be talking about those emails every day. I haven’t even started on her yet.”
A protestor, a black man with his clenched fist raised, was escorted out. “All lives matter,” Trump said. He pointed to another protestor and said, “Get him outta here, will ya? It never fails.”
Trump ripped “The New York Times” about an article. “When they don’t report accurately, we should have the right to sue them. They’re going to regret all of the bad stories they write.”
Discussing the economy, Trump said America no longer has enough money to protect other countries, like Germany, Japan and South Korea.
“I will be the greatest job-producing president that God ever made,” he said. Trump threatened a 35-percent tax for companies relocating to other countries, like Carrier Corporation, Pfizer and Ford.
“The American Dream is dead, but we’re going to rebuild … bigger, better and stronger than ever,” Trump said.