Garden club presents Christmas program
Music teacher Kristina Newsome conducts elementary students at “Every Light a Prayer for Piece” in 2013. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – Madison Garden Club members will present one of Madison’s most venerable Christmas events, the “Every Light a Prayer for Peace” program at Madison City Hall on Dec. 6.
The event, which starts at 3 p.m., “is a wonderful way to start the holiday season,” garden club publicist Suzanne Kirkhuff said.
Madison Garden Club members will gather at Madison City Hall on Dec. 2 to decorate the Christmas tree and assemble goody bags that they will give out to school choirs and essay winners at the event on Dec. 6.
“Fifth-graders from the Madison schools will have written essays with the topic ‘What Peace on Earth Means to Me.’ The essays will be judged by the club members, and winners and finalists selected,” Kirkhuff said.
Essay winners will read their writings at the program. Madison Mayor Troy Trulock will present each winner with a certificate and nominal check from Madison Garden Club. Winning essays will be on display at City Hall until December 2016.
“You won’t want to miss this event. Timothy Berry will be playing holiday renditions on his keyboard before the program begins in Council Chambers,” Kirkhuff said. Heritage Elementary School Choir, directed by Kristina Newsome, will present a lively series of holiday songs.
“Usually, all seats are filled for ‘Every Light a Prayer for Peace,’ with part of the audience even standing in the back of the room,” Kirkhuff said.
After the program, City Hall’s Christmas tree will be lit. The club will treat the audience to refreshments in the atrium.
For more information about Madison Garden Club, call 256-721-3603.