Restoration Church treats first responders
MADISON – A Madison church waived its scheduled Sunday services to demonstrate its appreciation to men and women who work as first responders and law enforcement officers.
About 330 people participated in the “LOL Day” (Love Out Loud) held at both campuses of Restoration Foursquare Church on Oct. 11.
“Restoration Foursquare Church has been a longtime supporter of first responders and law enforcement,” church administrator Gregg R. Travis said. “As a congregation that appreciates our community and tries to reach out as often as possible, we want to appreciate and support those who risk their lives daily and provide so much to our area.”
The all-day event started at 8 a.m. when members prepared and served breakfast to any first responder, firefighter or law enforcement officer and their families from Madison Police Department, Huntsville City Police, Madison County Sheriff’s Office and Alabama State Troopers.
At the church’s Madison and Huntsville campuses, members also provided lunch to any fire or police department employees, whether on duty or off duty. At 6 p.m., the day ended with a special dinner in Madison “where we recognized at least one officer from each department for going above and beyond the call of duty,” Travis said.
LOL Day’s agenda included cleaning at The Towers and Lincoln Academy and reaching out to patients at Huntsville Hospital’s post-partum wing and at the veterans hospital, Travis said.
In Madison, they cleaned desks at Bob Jones High School, picked up trash along Wall Triana, staffed a prayer drive-through at Restoration and cleaned up graffiti near the skate park.
Restoration members also completed “tokens of love” outreach at WalMart on Oakwood Avenue and Jordan Lane and to the homeless community with Rose of Sharon, Travis said.
Rev. Huey Hudson serves as lead pastor in Madison. Rev. Jasper Morris is lead pastor for the Huntsville campus.
Restoration Foursquare Church’s address in Madison is 5810 Wall Triana and in Huntsville is 1500 Stevens Ave. NE. For more information, call 256-837-0643 or visit