Bennett earns medals in Turkey
Veteran of the Week
MADISON – Max C. Bennett is quite busy while serving as 2015 Veterans Week Activities chairman, master of ceremonies for the veterans dinner on Nov. 10 and co-hosting the Veterans Day Parade on WHNT-19.
He works as Vice President, Corporate Affairs for Association of the US Army (AUSA).
In 1984, Bennett joined the U.S. Army on a delayed entry program and actually entered in 1985 as Private First Class. After 22-plus years, he retired as Chief Warrant Officer 4.
He completed basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; Advanced Individual Training, Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colo.; and first assignment at Fort Campbell, Ky.
Then in Izmir, Turkey, he managed the NATO calibration laboratory. “I loved my four years in Turkey,” Bennett said. He taught at the Turkish American Association, volunteered at the American Post Office (APO) and organized command events. He received the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal and Joint Service Achievement Medal.
He finished Warrant Officer School at Fort Rucker. Bennett served with the 95th Maintenance Company and then took command of a Calibration Detachment at Fort Drum, N.Y., where he was deployed to Haiti during Operation Restore Hope/Democracy in 1994.
“After the Khobar bombing in 1996 (19 Airmen lost their lives), I was sent to Khobar Towers and took command of the Calibration Detachment for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait,” Bennett said. He returned to Redstone Arsenal, then served at Camp Colbern, Korea, returned to Redstone and retired in Madison.
The Bennetts built a home in north Madison. Both sons graduated from Bob Jones High School and earned full academic scholarships.
His wife Nese works at the arsenal’s Post Exchange. Daughter Shannon works as a paralegal in Indianapolis. A recent law school graduate, son Kevin works for a San Antonio firm. Son Alexander is an Auburn University senior, majoring in chemical engineering.
Max Bennett is finishing his doctorate’s degree in education. He received a master’s degree from University of Phoenix and bachelor’s degree from State University of New York. “My years in the military required an education on the move. The Army education system combined with online universities enabled a quality education in the most remote places on Earth,” he said.
He serves on Kids to Love board and with U.S. Army Warrant Officers Association.
“Not to be corny, but volunteering is my hobby,” Bennett said about involvement with military functions. “I like computer games with my boys. My wife and I are binge-watchers of any available BBC series.”