Public airs library likes/dislikes
Residents at the library expansion meeting filled out “Like” and “Dislike” comments on post-it notes for proposed plans. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Madison Public Library’s staff hosted its “Library Mind-Breaking Session” at City Hall on Sept. 15 to confirm that expansion plans are satisfying the community’s needs.
Branch manager Sarah Sledge was very pleased with the turnout of approximately 80 people. “They were extremely engaged and excited to be part of the information-gathering process. Everyone came with great ideas and a real sense of what they want to experience in the new library,” Sledge said.
The discussion opened with consideration of a slate of possible elements and amenities for the new building. “The conversation was all about opportunities,” Sledge said. “Attendees were very interested in outdoor spaces, meeting space and the coffee bar.”
Architect Peter Bolek, who is coordinating construction, provided insight into successful elements of the 21st-century library, Sledge said. His visual presentation showcased design elements in other new libraries across the country. Bolek is associated with Holzheimer Bolek + Meehan in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bolek “has a great depth of experience with library design and provided a collaborative environment that drew people to the conversation,” Sledge said. Madison’s library staff now is receiving feedback from attendees “to include a real sense of community confidence in the library project and design team.”
At the meeting, the audience voiced comments and data that “reaffirms the success of the public input received during the work with the library consulting firm Providence Associates in 2013. The library planning team is very excited to know the project is heading in the right direction to meet Madison’s needs and desires,” Sledge said.
The new library facility will encompass about 35,000 square feet.
The state-of-the-art structure will include collaborative technology and meeting spaces; study spaces; individual work spaces; interactive children’s department; “a technology-rich teen space”; hands-on DIY project space for all ages; a large public meeting space; outdoor spaces; and a coffee bar, Sledge said.
Target date for construction costing in the $8 to 9 million range is fall 2016. The project is expected to run 12 months.
For more information, call Sledge at 256-461-0046.