Madison-Huntsville hosts chess tourney
MADISON – Madison-Huntsville Chess Club scored a success with its first tournament since the formation of this new organization.
On Sept. 1, Huntsville Chess Club merged with Madison Chess Club to form the new combined group.
“Our tournament on Sept. 11-12 was a huge success,” club manager Don Maddox said. “We had 23 players in great games with kids and adults competing as equals. One kid and one adult tied for first place.”
Luis Morenilla and Om Badhe tied for first place. Josh McClellan took third place. Other chess players in the top ten were Harry Duncan, Mohak Agarwalla, Jenson Wilhelm, Jack Gardner and Joel Friedman, along with Victor Lundy and Puja in a tie for Top U1200.
Other players in consecutive place order were Paul Mulqueen, Matthew Appleberry, Jim Harrison, Jonah Tuttle, Clarence Gross, Nitin Badhe, Samuel Fellows, Neha Chopade, Maanasi Limaye, Jon Lundy, Thomas Lotito, Shubham Chopade and Undrea Randolph.
“We’ve agreed to acknowledge the weekly venue from the Sunny Street Cafe by naming the Grand Prix: ‘The Sunny Street Cafe Chess Grand Prix,'” Maddox said. Meetings will be held on Tuesdays from 6 to 10 p.m. at Sunny Street Cafe, 7143-B U.S. 72 W. at the Slaughter Road intersection in Madison.
“Players who attend the Monthly Adult Swiss tournaments will automatically be entered into the Grand Prix,” Maddox said. “Grand Prix points are awarded based on wins and draws in these events. Players in the Open section will compete for three chess sets valued at approximately $800, $500 and $100.”
Monthly Adult Swiss will be held at Hitachi Consulting Government Services, 1500 Perimeter Drive in Huntsville.
Dates for upcoming tournaments are Oct. 2-3 and Nov. 6-7. The December date has not been decided. Players will meet on the first day at 5:50 p.m. Rounds for the second day will be held at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
For monthly chess tournaments, visit For more information, call 256-783-5042 or email to