MAC offers children’s SPACES Artventure
During Artventure on Sept. 19, children can visit sites in Madison on the SPACES Sculpture Trail. The sculpture in this photograph stands on Main Street. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Youngsters can enjoy an adventurous outing while gaining arts appreciation during the SPACES Sculpture Trail “Artventure,” coordinated by Madison Arts Council (MAC).
Artventure on Sept. 19 will start at 10 a.m. in historic downtown Madison and end at 3 p.m. at Dublin Park. “MAC will take 100 kids in kindergarten through fifth grade on a exploration of the SPACES sculptures and different forms of art,” MAC President Beth Ridgeway said.
In 2012, MAC partnered with The Arts Council Inc. and elected officials to place SPACES sculptures in Madison. Sculpture now stands on display at Dublin Park, City Hall and Main Street.
“MAC is working with eight different artists and organizations this year to expose the kids to a wide range of various art forms,” Ridgeway said. “From pottery, drawing and glass mosaics to dancing, singing and acting, there is bound to be something that sparks a light for each child.”
Presenting demonstrations for Artventure will be Heartstrings Photography, Madison Public Library, Colors Fine Arts Center, Lyrique Music Productions, Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theatre, SOCA Galleria, Randy Harold Pottery, Chris Taylor with the University of Alabama in Huntsville and Big Glass Art Studio.
Redstone Federal Credit Union is sponsoring this event. “Artventure is completely free to the attendees,” Ridgeway said. “We are lucky enough to partner with Domino’s, Whistle Stop Sweet Shop, Isom’s Orchard and Sundrop to provide food and drinks for the kids.”
Madison Mayor Troy Trulock will be available at City Hall for a souvenir photograph with children participating in Artventure.
Main Street’s sculpture includes “A Carpenter’s Dream” by Kevin Vanek, “Pagoda” by Suzy Hendrix, “Three Wise and the Weary III” by Austin Collins and “Contemporary Couple” by Brad Morton.
Other SPACES sculptures in Madison are “Winter” by Hanna Jubran at City Hall and three “Whisper Bench” sculptures and “Oak Horizon Gate IV” by Jim Gallucci at Dublin Park.
Parents will need to stay with their children to drive them to the three locations in Madison.
To register, parents can access an application at