SROs offer more than just security to our children
From The Publisher
As a parent it’s critical to find safe environments for our children to develop.
Madison meets the needs of growing families by offering safe churches, businesses, parks and schools.
School resource officers also offer parents a level of comfort in our Madison City Schools.
Nick Sellers reported, “The Madison City Council approved the addition of a school resource officer for Madison City Schools at its meeting on July 13, bringing the total number of SROs to eight for the school system.”
I was pleased to hear this news, considering it adds one more layer of protection to our community and, more importantly, to our children.
SROs are heroes to our students, teachers, faculty and principals. Their mission is to reduce crime, drug abuse, violence, and provide a safe school environment.
SROs not only help protect our children, but they develop positive relationships with these kids. These relationships can be the difference between a student making a wrong decision and the right one.
This is one more reason to lift up our Madison law enforcement.
These brave men and women perform the most difficult tasks under immense pressure to protect and serve our community.
Let’s continue to offer our support to Madison Police Chief Larry Muncey and our Madison City Police Department.