Historical society hears Hitt
MADISON – An aerospace veteran from NASA recently spoke to the Madison Station Historical Preservation Society.
David Hitt lectured about NASA’s launch of the U.S. Space Station at the society’s May meeting. “I’ve worked with Hitt for years and can vouch for his expertise as he shared with us the history of NASA and its future,” society vice president Charlie Nola said.
In upcoming plans, Madison Station Historical Preservation Society will install a bronze plaque that commemorates the organization’s contribution for the clock on Main Street. Society members will continue their work in restoration of tombstones at Old Madison Cemetery on Mill Road.
The self-tour booklet, “Madison Station Historic Downtown Madison, 1857-2015” is now on sale for $15. Copies are available at Whistle Stop Sweet Shop and Main Street Cafe.
Madison Mayor Troy Trulock recently issued a statement about the society: “The Madison City Council and I are very proud of Madison Station Historical Preservation Society and their hard work in keeping our Madison history alive. The City of Madison has a very rich and exciting past that would be lost without the tremendous support of these volunteers.”
“I am proud of our history and very excited about our future,” Trulock said.
Work has begun for “Madison Christmas Magic Homes Tour” on Dec. 5 with seamstress volunteer Anne Erwin designing 45 Edwardian costumes that the Street Singers will wear. Groups that want to join the Street Singers can contact Lisa Patrick by calling 256-658-7436 or emailing to lisa.g.patrick@gmail.com.
Dawn Johnson and Suzanne Wellborn coordinated the group’s summer picnic on June 25. The society’s next meeting will be held on July 23 at the Roundhouse.
The society welcomes new members. Dues are $20 for an individual or $25 for a family. The group normally meets monthly on the fourth Thursday at the Roundhouse on Front Street at 7 p.m.
For more information, visit historicmadisonstation.com.